OET Writing Sample Test for Dentist PDF with Answers

The OET Writing Test for Dentists is an assessment of the English language proficiency of dentists who are seeking to work in English-speaking countries. The test assesses the ability of dentists to communicate effectively in English in a range of written formats, including dental case notes, referral letters, and treatment plans.

OET Writing Sample Test for Dentist PDF with Answers

Writing Subset: Dentist Case Note

Time Allowed: Reading Time: 5 minutes

Writing Time: 40 minutes

Read the case notes and complete the task that follows Imagine today’s date as 05/04/2022

Patient details:

Name: Emily Johnson

Age: 28 years old

Marital status: Married

Occupation: Teacher

Personal History:

Smokes cigarettes occasionally

Consumes alcohol on weekends

Medical History:

No previous dental history

Family History:

Mother has a history of gum disease

Father has a history of tooth decay

Presenting Complaints:

Toothache and sensitivity

April 04, 2023:

Emily Johnson presented with a complaint of toothache and sensitivity in her right upper molar. She reports that the pain is intermittent and worsens with hot and cold food and drinks.

She has been taking over-the-counter pain medication with minimal relief.

Upon examination, tooth decay is observed on the right upper molar with a cavity in the center. The surrounding teeth and gums appear healthy. No other abnormalities are noted.