OET Writing Sample Test for Nurses PDF with Answers

The OET Writing Test for Nurses is an assessment of the English language proficiency of nurses who are seeking to work in English-speaking healthcare environments. The test assesses the ability of nurses to communicate effectively in English in a range of written formats, including referral letters, discharge summaries, and patient notes.

OET Writing Sample Test for Nurses PDF with Answers

Writing Subset:  Referral Letter

Time Allowed: Reading Time: 5 minutes

Writing Time: 40 minutes

Read the case notes and complete the task that follows Imagine today’s date as 18/01/2022

Patient details:

Name: Anthony Brown

Age: 48 years old

Marital status: Divorced, lives alone

Occupation: Sales manager

Personal History:

Engages in triathlon activities: cycling, swimming, and running 10 times per week

Goes to the gym twice a week

Follows a vegetarian diet

Binge drinks only on weekends

Medical History:

Hypercholesterolemia – 2015

Had a fracture in the right arm due to a fall in 2010

Was diagnosed with hypertension at the age of 45

Was diagnosed with sleep apnea at the age of 46

Family History:

Mother had dementia and depression

Brother has ADHD

Father has diabetes

Presenting Complaints:

Visual disturbances

January 17, 2022:

Woke up at 6 am and went swimming in the lake. He then cycled 10 km to work.

8 am, he had breakfast in the office.

2 pm, he had lunch on the office table while busy with work.

4 pm, he felt more tired than usual.

6 pm, he experienced vertigo when he stood up after prolonged sitting and working on the computer. He also experienced nausea and vomiting.

He was taken to the ED by his co-workers and was given IV diazepam as treatment. Got stabilized and was asked to follow up with his own GP.

8 pm, he experienced vertigo again while watching TV, along with decreased hearing in his left ear, nausea, and tinnitus. Felt like the room is moving in an anticlockwise direction.

January 18, 2022: Visited his GP nystagmus, vertigo, and tinnitus – NAD

His GP suspected Meniere’s disease and requested a full blood count.

Diphenhydramine (antihistamine) was given 12mg×3 daily.

He was referred to an ENT specialist for a definitive diagnosis and treatment.